Happiness is a journey, not a destination

Good afternoon everyone,

Well today I thought I would do something a little different and write about life and give some advice etc etc!!

I watch a tonne of videos on YouTube and read so many blogs. I very often scroll down to the comments, especially on YouTube, to see what people say or to leave a nice comment. Sometimes I am so shocked at the replies on videos. How people can be so nasty without being constructive is beyond me.

On my old blog I had a post up about hate etc because I personally got jumped on when I had a different opinion on a #BBloggers chat. It infuriated me that 15-20 year olds had this need to be mean and to not care or seem remorseful. The rest of the hate brigade just were older than 20 with a chip on their shoulder. Haha.

I had a video on my YouTube channel that was reviewing the Real Techniques Miracle Complexion sponge that I had to take down. The sponge, whether it was dodgy or not, didn't work well for me. It didn't expand well in water and didn't do a lot for me. This video had well over 1,000 views and the comments section was a disgrace.

I had said in the video and in the description that the sponge was wet after so many saying it wasn't. I had people, who don't know me tell me I was nasty and mean. A couple said I was ugly with a fat face and didn't have a clue about makeup or life. Now I might not be a trained makeup artist but I do have a clue about most makeup. I am not a child or in anyway stupid, at 30 years old I have manners and the respect to not publicly challenge these haters/idiots.

My advice to people that experience anything similar to this? Rise above it. They do not know you and really have no life or right to be hateful. Do not let it defeat you and keep doing your YouTube or blog the way you like it. It's your own personal space to be you so do exactly that.

The only person that can support you is yourself. You have to have faith in yourself and your craft to be successful. Always believe in yourself and have a positive mind. You can and you will. :D

Have a wonderful day. Hope this post on Day 4 of  the #bigblogmasproject was helpful.

Keep your head high,

Victoria xox

My YouTube Channel


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