Tips and Tricks Of The Blogging/Vlogging World

Hey everyone,

Well this post marks my 99th post. Some folks celebrate different milestones and I shall party because of this one and not 100 posts just to be different, as usual. I do have a very special post later on today for my 100th post though, so it is kind of special. *rambling Irish woman shut up*

If you know me, which you might not, then you will know I studied Journalism back home in Ireland. After a year and a half I left the course due to personal reasons and never returned to any form of Journalism. What a shame. I get many comments on my Twitter about how my blog is so well written and when I put a post up, it's as if I'm speaking to you in person. That is a great compliment. Dumbing down your writing is hard and takes time. You do not want to sound immature or illiterate.


I want to give you some insight into how I blog and how I do YouTube videos. Before I continue, this is my advice and you do not have to take it, read it or apply it to you or your blog/channel.

Follow the beat of YOUR own drum. You should never feel afraid to write about a subject or feel afraid to post something because you might not get followers or people might be mean. The more honest you are with your readers and general audience, the more people can relate to you. Be you and always be that. Same applies with YouTube and your content there.

Keep the content interesting. I prefer to read a blog that has a bit of everything, lifestyle/fashion/beauty etc. I personally need to apply this to my blog so I cannot harper on about it too much. I do try and mix it up with a fashion post, wishlist, nail art post or even a TAG! This is a good way of letting your readers/viewers get to know you.

Sponsored posts. I personally have never had a sample sent to me. I have never been contacted either. I did however do a Valentine's Date post with an online company and did it to push myself. I got no recognition from them or any gifts but it pushed my mind to more than the usual makeup idea. I don't mind reading a sponsored post but not every single darn day. If you're lucky enough to be sent something then review what you want and what you think your readers/viewers will benefit from. Clearly marking a sponsored product is also just a nice touch. Many use **. I think more than 2 sponsored posts a week can be too much, that's just me.

This is probably the second most important step after the writing. PHOTOGRAPHS. These babies are so important. I have often used my iPad for pictures (see my MAC Diva post), edited them on Picsart on my iPad and made sure they suited my blog and were clear. I hate small pictures and blurry pictures and I know from #bbloggers chat, others do as well. My advice is to always make them LARGE or EXTRA LARGE so they can be seen. Take pictures from a few different angles and really go into depth so it can be seen.

SWATCHES. Oh my word this is always a funny topic on #bbloggers chat. I personally don't mind if there's no lip swatch with a lip product. I will generally look it up myself be it on Google or Temptalia. If you are swatching something then I would suggest, like above, a decent amount of pictures to highlight the product. If you're on video doing this then hold it to the camera for about 7secs to be seen fully. Emily Noel told me that haha.

WRITING. This is the most important step to your blog. As I mentioned before I do feel blessed to have the writing gene. I have a creative mind. I don't like reading an over detailed post that goes on and on. Filling the post with punchy sentences, matter of facts points and breaks between paragraphs makes the post easier to read and looks better overall. If you need help with writing, always ask another blogger. I love helping. Another tip is to read the post out loud to yourself before posting. Does it write how you want it to sound?

In regards to YouTube I would always say be knowledgeable. I am Irish and I am guilty of speaking too quickly so I always have to be aware of my accent. Hold swatches for up to 7/10 seconds so people can see. Push your own boundaries and be happy doing your videos. Never do YouTube expecting to be like the big time gurus, be you and that will get you far.

I hope this post was helpful. I am no expert but I am of an age where I think I have age advice haha. My blog is my space where I write about what I want to. I have however had some critique from others because I review products too often or I don't promote myself enough. I personally want my blog to grow because I am good at it. I recognise the flaws with variation on topics and believe me there are big changes happening this month on Victoria Earls.

Have a wonderful day.

Victoria xox


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